
Hi, I’m Mae!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

Welcome to the Gourmae Cafe, a blog I created to share all my recipes and the occasional travel post and book recommendation. When I’m not baking at home, you’ll most likely find me buried in a bookstore, dreaming up a new recipe, or searching the shelves of Trader Joe’s (I could happily spend hours there).

Fun Facts About Me

favorite flavor combo

chocolate & peanut butter



Favorite Food


Favorite place


my weekends

movies & good food

favorite cuisine


Where it all began

I first found my love for food by helping my mom in the kitchen, making boxed brownie mixes and chopping up salads for Thanksgiving. Throughout the years, I gradually began to take over the kitchen with new baking ideas and recipes, and the Gourmae Cafe blog was born!

As I cooked my way through high school, I discovered that my hobby was something I wanted to make into a career. Once I graduate, I plan to attend Auburn University and pursue a culinary sciences major. Who knows where the road will take me, but I hope you’ll come along for the ride!